“The work of Jesus in the Chamber of the Dead was done, and in the temple purple room he stood before the hierophant, and he was clothed in purple robes; and all the brothers stood. The hierophant arose and said,
“This is a royal day for all the hosts of Israel. In honor of their chosen son we celebrate the great Passover Feast.
“And then he said to Jesus, Brother, man, most excellent of men, in all the temple tests you have won out. Six times before the bar of right you have been judged; six times you have received the highest honors man can give; and now you stand prepared to take the last degree. Upon your brow I place this diadem, and in the Great Lodge of the heavens and earth you are The CHRIST.
“This is your Passover rite. You are a neophyte no more; but now a master mind. Now, man can do no more; but God himself will speak, and will confirm your title and degree. Go on your way, for you must preach the gospel of good will to men and peace on earth; must open up the prison doors and set the captives free.
“And while the hierophant yet spoke the temple bells rang out; a pure white dove descended from above and sat on Jesus’ head.
“And then a voice that shook the very temple said, THIS IS The CHRIST; and every living creature said, AMEN.
“The great doors of the temple swung ajar; the Logos journeyed on his way a conqueror” (Aquarian Gospel 55:1-12).
Now in these last chapters were have seen the way that we all must go, and the tests–though not necessarily in such a dramatic form–we must pass. For Christhood is the destiny of all, the core of Jesus’ teachings.
May the great masters of wisdom bless our path to that supreme goal.
Read the next section in the Aquarian Gospel for Yogis: The Assembly of the Masters