The August online Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda (Abbot George Burke) will be on Saturday, August 4th, at 12 Noon, EST.
Home - Video Satsangs

Video Satsangs

Satsangs | Gita Talks | Spiritual Teachings

Here we share a growing collection of video satsangs and video podcasts (over 125!) on various spiritual topics by Swami Nirmalananda (Abbot George Burke). We also recommend you subscribe to our Youtube Channel to be notified about the latest satsang postings.

We also have a Podcast Page, with dozens of audio podcasts, updated occasionally.

New Gita Talks on Youtube

New talks on the Bhagavad Gita will be posted weekly. View the talks here:

Watch past monthly online satsangs with Swami Nirmalananda

2024 Satsangs

2023 Satsangs

Satsang Excerpts

What Will Happen in the Yogi’s Next Life?

Saviors, or Personal Responsibility?

How to Find Happiness in an Unhappy Situation

Vibrational Medicine, Divination and the Yogi

What Is Aparigraha? (The Yoga Term for Non-Possessiveness)

The “Mind” of Anandamayi Ma

My Memories of Swami Sivananda’s Humility

The REAL Yogananda: 8 Stories of Mischief and Mercy


Great Yogis I Met in India

What Is a Savior?

How to Nurture Spiritual Development

Anandamayi Ma and the Brainwave Machine

What Is the Bhagavad Gita?

Anandamayi Ma and the Brainwave Machine

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