Now, Judas who betrayed his Lord, was with the mob; but all the time he thought that Jesus would assert his power and demonstrate the strength of God that he possessed, and strike to earth the fiendish multitudes and free himself; but when he saw his master on the ground and bleeding from a score of wounds, he said, O God, what have I done? I have betrayed the son of God; the curse of God will rest upon my soul.
And then he turned and ran with haste until he reached the temple door; he found the priests, who gave to him the thirty silver pieces to betray the Lord, and said, Take back your bribe; it is the cost price of my soul; I have betrayed the son of God. The priests replied, That matters not to us.
Then Judas threw the silver on the floor, and, bowed with grief, he went away, and on a ledge beyond the city’s walls he hanged himself and died. In time the fastenings gave way, his body fell into the Hinnon vale and after many days they found it there a shapeless mass. The rulers could not put the price of blood into the treasury, and so they took the thirty silver pieces with which they bought a potter’s field, where they might bury those who had no rights to lie within their sacred grounds. And there they put the body of the man who sold his Lord. (Aquarian Gospel 169:1-11)
This should be more a cause of grief for us than the sufferings of Jesus, because his were not only voluntary, they opened the gates of life to both the living and the dead. But Judas, guilty though he might be, was a suffering soul, unable to believe in the love of God and Jesus that would grant him forgiveness and healing as Peter would receive. In this way he, too, denied Jesus. But we can rejoice that he, too, is now a Christ.