Ravanna, prince of India, gave a feast. His palace in Orissa was the place where men of thought from all the farther East were wont to meet. Ravanna was the prince with whom child Jesus went to India many years ago. The feast was made in honor of the wise men of the East. Among the guests were Meng-ste, Vidyapati and Lamaas. The wise men sat about the table talking of the needs of India and the world. (Aquarian Gospel 176:1-5)
We see here that true masters do not speak of empty philosophy or themselves, but about the needs of the world. And they do not do that theoretically, but to find out the ways to fill those needs.
The door unto the banquet hall was in the east; a vacant chair was at the table to the east. And as the wise men talked a stranger entered, unannounced, and raising up his hands in benediction said, All hail! A halo rested on his head, and light, unlike the light of sun, filled all the room. The wise men rose and bowed their heads and said, All hail!
And Jesus sat down in the vacant chair; and then the wise men knew it was the Hebrew prophet who had come. And Jesus said, Behold, for I am risen from the dead. Look at my hands, my feet, my side. The Roman soldiers pierced my hands and feet with nails; and then one pierced my heart. They put me in a tomb, and then I wrestled with the conqueror of men. I conquered death, I stamped upon him and arose; brought immortality to light and painted on the walls of time a rainbow for the sons of men; and what I did all men shall do. This gospel of the resurrection of the dead is not confined to Jew and Greek; it is the heritage of every man of every time and clime; and I am here a demonstration of the power of man. Then he arose and pressed the hand of every man and of the royal host, and said, Behold, I am not myth made of the fleeting winds, for I am flesh and bone and brawn; but I can cross the borderland at will.
And then they talked together there a long, long time. Then Jesus said, I go my way, but you shall go to all the world and preach the gospel of the omnipotence of men, the power of truth, the resurrection of the dead. He who believes this gospel of the son of man shall never die; the dead shall live again.
Then Jesus disappeared, but he had sown the seed. The words of life were spoken in Orissa, and all of India heard. (Aquarian Gospel 176:6-21)
They put me in a tomb, and then I wrestled with the conqueror of men. I conquered death, I stamped upon him and arose; brought immortality to light and painted on the walls of time a rainbow for the sons of men; and what I did all men shall do. This struggle of Jesus with the principle of death is unique to the Aquarian Gospel. Again we see that Jesus is a revelation of the awakened human being, not a God whose deeds none can duplicate. I well remember when as a teenager at a “youth meeting” I mentioned the example of Jesus. Immediately a girl (who did not last on the spiritual path) snapped: “But Jesus was divine!” This is the detriment worked on its adherents by exoteric Christianity.
This gospel of the resurrection of the dead is not confined to Jew and Greek; it is the heritage of every man of every time and clime; and I am here a demonstration of the power of man. Jesus is not a demonstration of unattainable divinity, but of the divine power inherent in all humanity. Rather than being convinced by his example that Jesus is uniquely God, we should be inspired and motivated to follow his path to the same Christhood. The truth is, exoteric Christianity stands in the way of the true Gospel of “Christ in you the hope of Glory” and prevents people from laying hold on the kingdom in their own right.
I go my way, but you shall go to all the world and preach the gospel of the omnipotence of men, the power of truth, the resurrection of the dead. He who believes this gospel of the son of man shall never die; the dead shall live again. Here is the effect of the true Gospel of Christ: omnipotence is revealed in each aspirant who shall resurrect into life.
The magian priests were in the silence in Persepolis, and Kaspar, and the magian masters who were first to greet the child of promise in the shepherd’s home in Bethlehem, were with the priests. And Jesus came and sat with them; a crown of light was on his head. And when the silence ended Kaspar said, A master from the royal council of the Silent Brotherhood is here; let us give praise. And all the priests and masters stood and said, All hail! What message from the royal council do you bring?
And Jesus said, My brothers of the Silent Brotherhood, peace, peace on earth; goodwill to men! The problem of the ages has been solved; a son of man has risen from the dead; has shown that human flesh can be transmuted into flesh divine. Before the eyes of men this flesh in which I come to you was changed with speed of light from human flesh. And so I am the message that I bring to you. To you I come, the first of all the race to be transmuted to the image of the AM. What I have done, all men will do; and what I am, all men will be. But Jesus said no more. In one short breath he told the story of his mission to the sons of men, and then he disappeared. (Aquarian Gospel 176:22-31)
The problem of the ages has been solved; a son of man has risen from the dead; has shown that human flesh can be transmuted into flesh divine. That is, ordinary matter can be transmuted into Divine Light, including the body of the liberated master, something that the Taoists have taught through the ages.
Before the eyes of men this flesh in which I come to you was changed with speed of light from human flesh. And so I am the message that I bring to you. See “The Law of Miracles” chapter in Autobiography of a Yogi. There Yogananda explains as fully as can be done the principles governing miracles, which includes that of the speed of light. What thrilling words: “I am the message that I bring to you!” This can one day be said by us as well.
To you I come, the first of all the race to be transmuted to the image of the AM. What I have done, all men will do; and what I am, all men will be. Once more: this and this alone is the Christian Gospel. All else is ignorance and darkness.
The magi said, Some time ago we read this promise, now fulfilled, upon the dial plate of heaven. And then we saw this man who has just demonstrated unto us the power of man to rise from carnal flesh and blood to flesh of God, a babe in Bethlehem. And after many years he came and sat with us in these same groves; he told the story of his human life, of trials, sore temptations, buffetings and woes. He pressed along the thorny way of life until he had risen and overthrown the strongest foes of God and man; and he is now the only master of the human race whose flesh has been transmuted into flesh divine. He is the God-man of today; but every one of earth shall overcome and be like him, a son of God. (Aquarian Gospel 176:32-37)
He is the God-man of today; but every one of earth shall overcome and be like him, a son of God. So it is obvious that Christianity has hardly begun to be known after two thousand years. Now that the Aquarian Age has arrived this will certainly change.