The Christines started on their way to Bethany, and as they went, while yet in Jericho, they passed a beggar sitting by the way; and he was blind Bartimaeus. And when the beggar heard the multitude pass by he said, What is it that I hear? The people said to him, Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.
And instantly the man cried out, Lord Jesus, son of David, stay! have mercy on poor blind Bartimaeus! The people said to him, Be quiet; hold your peace. But blind Bartimaeus called again, Thou son of David, hear! have mercy on poor blind Bartimaeus!
And Jesus stopped and said, Bring him to me. And then the people brought the blind man to the Lord, and as they brought him up they said, Be cheerful, now, Bartimaeus, the Lord is calling you. And then he threw his cloak aside, and ran to Jesus as he waited by the way.
And Jesus said, What will you have, Bartimaeus? The blind man said, Rabboni, open up mine eyes that I may see.
And Jesus said, Bartimaeus, look up; receive your sight; your faith has made you whole. And he at once received his sight, and from the fullness of his heart he said, Praise God. And all the people said, Praise God. (Aquarian Gospel 150:1-14)
This is a very straightforward historical account, but there are two points with symbolic messages we can look at.
The people said to him, Be quiet; hold your peace.…And then the people brought the blind man to the Lord. That which hinders us at first may eventually be the very thing that helps us. This is especially true about opposition from other people. Opposition can make us strong, and can shake us out of the childish complacency that so many grow up with who are sheltered. Part of becoming an adult psychologically is resistance from those close to us. All our life we were part of a unit, and when those people who seemed like an essential part of our existence begin opposing us and even being very unpleasant and threatening, this shocks us into realizing that we are independent and must struggle for our independence. So in this way they help us. And often after they have seen that we are definitely going to follow our convictions or aspiration they become supportive and encouraging. This is also true of situations or things that give us trouble. At first they are painful but the struggle against them enables us to see our folly in attachment to them and gives us the insight and perseverance to overcome them. So what at first hinders then becomes a help. They do not change, but we do, and that is what growth is really about: individual self-reliance.
The essential message is: be true to yourself and strong in holding to your convictions and standards and in time you will see that what caused you pain and anxiety at first has enabled you to stand firm and confident.
Jesus said, Bartimaeus, look up; receive your sight. We must elevate our consciousness if we would receive real and lasting healing of body, mind and soul. Looking Up is an essential ingredient for spiritual health
Then Jesus and the twelve went on to Bethany. It was six days before the feast. And when the people knew that Jesus was in Bethany they came from near and far to see him and to hear him speak. And they were anxious all to talk with Lazarus, whom Jesus had awakened form the dead.
Now in Jerusalem the priests and Pharisees were all alert; they said, This Jesus will be at the feast, and we must not permit that he shall slip away again. And they commanded every man to be alert and help to apprehend the Lord that they might take his life. (Aquarian Gospel 150:15-19)
Truly, it could be said to these people: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44). And so are all those like them through the centuries and even today.