A man said to him, Tell my brothers to divide my father’s possessions with me.
He said to him, O man, who has made me a divider?
He turned to his disciples and said to them, I am not a divider, am I? (72)
Often at the time of Jesus legal authorities would appoint a respected person whose honesty was accepted by all to decide on the apportionment of disputed properties. Jesus was not one of these, but a teacher of godliness instead of a meddler in the petty upsets of petty people (though it is a common trait of religious figures today).
In the Aquarian Gospel (111:4) Jesus says about this very subject of inheritance: “I am not come to be a judge in such affairs; I am no henchman of the court.” So both these documents are consistent with one another.
Read the next article in the Gospel of Thomas for Yogis: Seeking the Harvest