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Home » Dharma for Awakening » Tao Teh King for Awakening–Preface » Manifestations of Tao

Manifestations of Tao

Part 21 of the Tao Teh King for Awakening

Tao Teh King for Awakening cover
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The marks of great Character follow alone from the Tao.

The thing that is called Tao is elusive, evasive. Evasive, elusive, yet latent in it are forms. Elusive, evasive, yet latent in it are objects. Dark and dim, yet latent in it is the life-force. The life-force being very true, latent in it are evidences.

From the days of old till now its Named (manifested forms) have never ceased, by which we may view the Father of All Things. How do I know the shape of the Father of All Things? Through these (manifested forms)!

(Tao Teh King 21)

The marks of great character follow alone from the Tao.

This is an essential piece of wisdom. Only when the Infinite is revealed in and through the finite, only when the cosmic is shown as the true essence of the individual life, is there any greatness of character. Tao being the Source, the more our consciousness is being merged in that Consciousness the more the traits of the immanent Tao manifest in us as the eternal seeds they are, and the further we move along the path of transcendence whose goal is That which is completely without character or attribute (guna) of any kind.

Only those who increasingly dwell in the Tao possess “great character.” Any other traits are evanescent mirages, being fundamentally unreal. Therefore only those who know and reveal the Tao are worthy of our respect. All others are phantoms.

The thing that is called Tao is elusive, evasive. The East has always known that the Real is also the Unknowable, the Unseeable, the Inconceivable. But such insight is possible only to those who have known, seen and accurately perceived It as truly unknowable, unseeable, and inconceivable. This makes no sense to the left-brain intellect of the West, but is perfectly good sense to the right-brain intellects of the East.

The Absolute Reality that is Tao eludes the grasp of thought and conception, but to the purified consciousness that fact itself is a revealing mystical experience, a knowing beyond the mind: the intuition of the spirit.

Evasive, elusive, yet latent in it are forms. Elusive, evasive, yet latent in it are objects. Dark and dim, yet latent in it is the life-force. The life-force being very true, latent in it are evidences. It is usually thought in non-dual philosophy that the Absolute Non-dual Being is the antithesis of all relativity, that the relative and the Absolute are incompatible, that when one prevails the other is banished. But Lao Tzu is telling us that forms, in the sense of subtle archetypes, are an inherent part of the Tao, as are their manifested objects which we perceive; that unless the Tao existed they would not exist even as mirages. Further, the Tao enlivens all that exists in relative mode. Their existence is not false or illusory, but those that do not see the one Tao in all have the error and illusion in their own minds. Of course, duality never really exists, it is a matter of the One appearing as Many. It all comes down to perception.

From the days of old till now its named (manifested forms) have never ceased, by which we may view the Father of All Things. How do I know the shape of the Father of All Things? Through these (manifested forms)! So relative existence is not a veil hiding the Tao from us, but is a revealing of the Tao to us. The problem lies in our not seeing this to be true. Again, it is all in the seeing. As Swami Sri Yukteswar said regarding astrology: “If ignoramuses misread the heavens, and see there a scrawl instead of a script, that is to be expected in this imperfect world. One should not dismiss the wisdom with the ‘wise.’” The same is true in relation to the entire creation. The Tao is is present right in front of us at all times.

Next in the Tao Teh King for Awakening: Futility of Contention

Introduction to The Tao Teh King for Awakening

Chapters of The Tao Teh King for Awakening

Preface to The Tao Teh King for Awakening

  1. On the Absolute Tao
  2. The Rise of Relative Opposites
  3. Action Without Deeds
  4. The Character of Tao
  5. Nature
  6. The Spirit of the Valley
  7. Living for Others
  8. Water
  9. The Danger of Overweening Success
  10. Embracing the One
  11. The Utility of Not-Being
  12. The Senses
  13. Praise and Blame
  14. Prehistoric Origins
  15. The Wise Ones of Old
  16. Knowing the Eternal Law
  17. Rulers
  18. The Decline of Tao
  19. Realize the Simple Self
  20. The World and I
  21. Manifestations of Tao
  22. Futility of Contention
  23. Identification with Tao
  24. The Dregs and Tumors of Virtue
  25. The Four Eternal Models
  26. Heaviness and Lightness
  27. On Stealing the Light
  28. Keeping to the Female
  29. Warning Against Interference
  30. Warning Against the Use of Force
  31. Weapons of Evil
  32. Tao is Like the Sea
  33. Knowing Oneself
  34. The Great Tao Flows Everywhere
  35. The Peace of Tao
  36. The Rhythm of Life
  37. World Peace
  38. Degeneration
  39. Unity Through Complements
  40. The Principle of Reversion
  41. Qualities of the Taoist
  42. The Violent Man
  43. The Softest Substance
  44. Be Content
  45. Calm Quietude
  46. Racing Horses
  47. Pursuit of Knowledge
  48. Conquering the World by Inaction
  49. The People’s Hearts
  50. The Preserving of Life
  51. The Mystic Virtue
  52. Stealing the Absolute
  53. Brigandage
  54. The Individual and the State
  55. The Character of the Child
  56. Beyond Honor and Disgrace
  57. The Art of Government
  58. Unobtrusive Government
  59. Be Sparing
  60. Governing a Big Country
  61. Big and Small Countries
  62. The Good Man’s Treasure
  63. Difficult and Easy
  64. Beginning and End
  65. The Grand Harmony
  66. The Lords of the Ravines
  67. The Three Treasures
  68. The Virtue of Not-Contending
  69. Camouflage
  70. They Know Me Not
  71. Sick-Mindedness
  72. On Punishment (1)
  73. On Punishment (2)
  74. On Punishment (3)
  75. On Punishment (4)
  76. Hard and Soft
  77. Bending the Bow
  78. Nothing Weaker than Water
  79. Peace Settlements
  80. The Small Utopia
  81. The Way of Heaven

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