What Is Life on the Astral Plane Like?
There are many levels in the astral world, and they are all much more stable than the earth plane. Spending time in the astral plane is exactly like living within the earth plane, though in some of the higher worlds thought is more evidently a … Continue reading
Three Useful Meditation Tips
Meditate Daily “The self resides within the lotus of the heart. Knowing this, devoted to the self, the sage enters daily that holy sanctuary.” (Chandogya Upanishad 8:3:3) Meditation should be done daily, and if possible it should be done twice daily–morning and evening, or before … Continue reading
How to Become a Sage
A commentary on the verse from the Mundaka Upanishad which says, “Having known the Self, the sages are filled with joy. Blessed are they, tranquil of mind, free from passion. Realizing everywhere the all-pervading Brahman, deeply absorbed in contemplation of his being, they enter into him, the Self of all.”