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A Yogi’s Recommended Reading List

The following is a list of recommended reading for the spiritual aspirant. First, there are five books whose value cannot be estimated. They are foundation stones of understanding spiritual life and spiritual philosophy. They should be read through many times carefully and reflectively.

Prayer, Dharma, and Meditation: 3 Questions

There is little value in wanting to get God to do what we want. He already knows what is needed, and takes care of it all. What is of value is our wanting to do what God wants! And since he has manifested this entire universe for the sole purpose of our evolving and attaining perfect knowledge (Brahmajnana/Atmajnana), that is what we should be wanting, as well.

There Are No Dead

“Lead me from death to immortality” is not a petition to gain a state where we will nevermore experience bodily death, but a plea to be led from the outward-turned consciousness that produces death to the in-turned consciousness that produces life. It is spirit itself that is immortality–nothing else. “Change and decay all around I see. O Thou Who changest not: abide with me.” What we are praying for is consciousness itself.

Podcast: How to Become an Angel (and More)

Today our friend Jonathan Mahoney asks Abbot George, “How does a human being evolve into an angel in this lifetime? How do they ‘get out of the game’”? In this podcast Abbot George discusses the two paths of evolution: the natural path by “accumulating a lot of goodness,” and the deliberate path of evolution through yoga and meditation.