Vairagya and Abhyasa – How to Deal with the Stormy Mind
Sutras 12 through 16 of Book One of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Yoga Sutras 1:12. Their suppression [is brought about] by persistent practice [abhyasa] and non-attachment [vairagya]. Two things are needed for the ending of mental modifications. One is abhyasa–sustained spiritual practice. This is why … Continue reading
Why to Become Free from Hatred
Until we are freed from negativity–consciously and subconsciously–negativity will occur in our life. That is the fact. Buddha says: “This is the eternal law.” Until we become incapable of evil our lives will be riddled with evil.
The Vakhs of Lalla Yogeshwari: An Introduction
Lalla Yogeshwari, also known as Lalleshwari or Lal Ded (Mother Lalla), was a great fourteenth-century yogini of Kashmir. She created a form of mystic poetry called Vatsun or Vakhs (from the Sanskrit Vak, which means Speech) that were the earliest compositions in the Kashmiri language.
Ramana Maharshi, the Paramatman and the Jivatman
Claiming to follow a great master, especially one who has been out of the body for over seventy years, is extremely easy. But to understand his teachings requires the same state of consciousness that the master attained.
Podcast: Swami Sivananda and the Song of Admonition
Swami Sivananda composed many songs in English to convey his teachings, the most famous being the Song of Ities listing such virtues as Simplicity, Purity and Charity. Others were advice and inspiration for spiritual endeavor. This Song of Admonition is the best known.
New Book Available: The Inspired Wisdom of Sri Gajanana Maharaj
We are happy to announce the publication of “The Inspired Wisdom of Sri Gajanana Maharaj – A Practical Commentary on Leading an Effectual Spiritual Life” by Abbot George Burke