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Light of the Spirit BLOG

Come back often to find new, valuable and practical articles to help you in your spiritual life. Below the latest blog posts we also list some of our most well received articles.
Wisdom Quote of the Day
“The thing is this: On whatever path you may proceed yoga is not possible unless the mind is still. The mind is under the control of the yogi. The yogi is not controlled by mind.”
Sri Ramakrishna

Latest Blog Posts

A Christmas Message from Paramhansa Yogananda

This short article was originally posted five years ago, but as it is timeless, we have updated it, with links to more Yogananda related articles at the bottom of the post. Doors of joy, which may have been long closed within us all, should be thrown wide open at the coming Christmastide, in memory of One whose divine example has

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What is the Self, the Atman?

Q:Is consciousness an attribute of the Self, or is it the Self? Spirit is consciousness itself, and the Self is spirit. Consciousness is not an attribute, it is essential being, the nature of God himself. Consciousness does not depend on anything else for its existence, but is itself the basis of all things. Q: Also is the “I” the ego

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Two Views on the Nature of Meditation – and a Third

In India there is a long-standing disagreement on the nature and purpose of meditation. One school of thought considers that definite–and conscious–evolutionary change is necessary for liberation; consequently meditation must be an actively transforming process. The other view is that the only thing needed for liberation is re-entry into our true, eternal nature. That nothing need be “done” at all

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How You Can Break Through the Net of Maya

“This, My Maya, made up of the three gunas, is difficult to penetrate” (Bhagavad Gita 7:14). Since time immemorial Maya has been referred to as a net such as is used for catching fish and birds. However hard it may be to break through this net, we must all do so in time, and the spiritually intelligent try to break

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Avoid the Coming Misery: Be an Effective Yogi

Sutras 16 through 22 of Book Two of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Sutra 2:16. The misery which is not yet come can and is to be avoided. This is an extremely important sutra because it is implying that all karma can be expunged and never experienced in the future. This is in complete consonance with the view of Shankara that

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Featured Articles

Yogis Who Saw Jesus

The day our Original Christianity and Original Yoga website was launched we received an irate communication from one of those Western “Hindus” that believe they are more truly Hindu if they hate other religions–especially Christianity–and deny that Jesus ever existed. Here is our answer:
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The Many Advantages of Vegetarianism

You can indeed reap a lot of benefits by being a vegetarian and people have become more aware of the health benefits of being a vegetarian. Animal rights issues is only one of the reasons why people decide to go on a vegetarian diet. People are beginning to care more about the environment. However, the main reason why people go on vegetarian diet is because of health benefits.
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Seeing the One in All

In response to our recent blog posting about the reality of Jesus in the experience of India’s great yogis, we received a most heartening letter from India. I want to share parts of it with you and my reflections on it for I feel it presents the most authentic perspective on these matters.

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7 Steps to Misuse Your Power of Thought

Thought is power–magnetic power, particularly. That is, thought can draw or repel whatever is thought about, depending upon the polarity of the individual mind. Many times we see that people bring to themselves the things they continually think about, but we also see that thinking about something can repel it from the person.

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