Straightening Out the Mind
An Extract from The Dhammapada for Awakening Experience is surely the best teacher, but sometimes its lessons are discouraging. That is why Arjuna told Krishna: “Restless man’s mind is, so strongly shaken in the grip of the senses: gross and grown hard with stubborn desire … Continue reading
The Surest Way to Realize God
The easy way out The attainment of liberation (moksha) is very simple in principle–and in practice, as well. Perhaps it is its simplicity that keeps people from managing it. However it may be, Krishna explains the whole matter in a very simple manner: “At the … Continue reading
Christians or Hindus?
Q: Are you Saint Thomas Christians or Hindus? To us they are the same thing. Jesus lived in India from the age of fourteen until he returned to Israel when he was thirty. There he taught the dharma he had learned in India and incurred … Continue reading
“Christian” or Follower of Jesus?
Q: I want to convert to Christianity–can you help? I am a Hindu. If you want to convert to the religion popularly called “Christianity” then you need only find a church and join it. IF, however, you want to be a follower of Jesus Christ, … Continue reading
What is the Right Perspective on Scriptures?
A continuation of an analysis of the correct place of scriptures in spiritual life discussed in When Rites Go Wrong Krishna has more to say about materially oriented scriptures and religion (though he just mentions the Vedas): “The Vedas are such that their scope is … Continue reading
Messiahs vs. Avatars
Q: What is meant by “messiah” versus “avatar”? How are Jesus and Krisna similar and how are they different? Are they both Messiahs? Are they Avatars? “Messiah” is a Hebrew word meaning “anointed one” as does the Greek word Christos from which “Christ” is derived. Almost … Continue reading