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Winning the Prize of Life

A Commentary on the Gospel of Thomas Jesus said, Blessed is the man who has suffered and found life. (Gospel of Thomas 58) Considering how consistently esoteric the viewpoint of the Gospel of Thomas is, I feel we can be assured that this is not … Continue reading

Seven Ways to Purify the Mind, Part 2

Sutras 36 through 39 of Book One of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Sutra 1:36. Also (through) serene [vishoka] or luminous [jyotishmati] (states experienced within). Vishoka means “blissful; serene; free of grief, suffering or sorrow.” Jyotishmati means “effulgence; full of light.” Inner experience of a higher … Continue reading

7 Ways to Purify the Mind, Part 1

Sutras 33 through 35 of Book One of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Sutra 1:33. The mind becomes clarified by cultivating attitudes of friendliness [maitri], compassion [karuna], gladness [mudita] and indifference [upekshanam] respectively towards happiness [sukha], misery [dukha], virtue [punya] and vice [apunya]. Maitri is friendliness; … Continue reading