The October Online Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) will be on October 5th at 12 Noon, EST.
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Who is the Guru?

Q: Reading the words [about God as guru] in Om Yoga a bell went off: the realization that the teacher we need to “introduce” us to God is Him who already is within us and he comes into our lives when we “see” this. Am … Continue reading

Is Reincarnation True?

To someone who wrote juggling all kinds of statements about how much better it would be to not believe in reincarnation and the problems such a belief caused. In the West the question about a belief is its utility, its plausibility, its acceptability (appeal) and … Continue reading

Podcast: The Yoga Life 4: Niyama, the “Do”s of Yoga

Having finished Yama, the “Don’t”s of Yoga, in the last podcast, we now consider Niyama: the “Dos” of yoga. Shaucha: purity, cleanliness Santosha: contentment, peacefulness Tapas: austerity, practical (i.e., result-producing) spiritual discipline Swadhyaya: introspective self-study, spiritual study Ishwarapranidhana: offering of one’s life to God Click … Continue reading