Who Are the Gods and Goddesses?
Q: I am a Hindu but am confused about our Gods and Goddesses. Who are they? The words god (deva) or goddess (devi) can mean different things. Those highly evolved beings who rule or direct natural forces on the material plane, such as Indra, Surya, … Continue reading
Seeing Our Spiritual Blindness That We Can Overcome It
A Continuation of the Commentary on Theologia Germanica, by the Frankfurter. For the lack lies altogether in us, and not in it. In like manner the sun lights the whole world, and is as near to one as another, yet a blind man sees it … Continue reading
Yoga Practice Will Become the Guru
In response to someone who wrote about spontaneous knowledge of yoga and various experiences resulting from yoga sadhana or spontaneously “out of the blue.” As you have seen for yourself, yoga practice itself becomes the yogi’s teacher, as both Vyasa and Shankara wrote in their … Continue reading
How to Gain the Vision of God | Monastic Life Podcast 3
Click here to listen to How to Gain the Vision of God if you do not see the player above. The podcast length is 20:34 minutes. When I was very young there was a television program called The Big Picture. Most people live in The Little … Continue reading
Should We Seek the Help of the Gods and Goddesses to Alleviate our Sufferings?
Q: We seek the intervention of the gods and goddesses to alleviate our sufferings or to seek boons. Isn’t this in violation of the law of karma? No. Seeking the intervention of the gods and goddesses to alleviate our sufferings or to seek boons is … Continue reading
How to Help Ghosts and Avoid Entanglement With Them
Q: What is your opinion on ghosts? Are they departed spirits or something else? The word “ghost” comes from the German geist which simply means “spirit.” Certainly spirits can be seen and sometimes communicated with. (The wisdom of that is debatable.) There are many kinds … Continue reading