The Immortal Self and The Individual Self: Your Two Selves
The illumined know that they are the immortal Self whose ultimate Self is the Immortal Itself. We are spirits within Spirit, in a wondrous way both ourselves and Brahman, both finite and infinite. Find out more here.
Gurus: Yes or No?
Certainly a person can learn and practice meditation without a “guru” in the present-day sense, though it is good to have the advice of a person with experience in meditation. Nevertheless, the way can be learned even from the written word. It is practice that matters. Find out more.
The Role of Breath in Meditation
Meditation practices involving the breath are found in many mystical traditions. Find out why in this article.
How to Deal With Death—A Wise Perspective
“For the born, death is certain; for the dead there is certainly birth. Therefore,… you should not mourn.” (from the Bhagavad Gita) Find out how to apply this in your life.
Are You Practicing Meditation Well?
Buddha spoke of Right Meditation when enumerating the components of the Aryan Eightfold Path. Are you practicing meditation right?
Religious Imagery and the Yogi: Podcast and Video
Listen to or watch a recent podcast on “Religious Imagery and the Yogi.”