India: Forgive, But Don’t Forget
It is foolish to expect Hindus to forget seven hundred years of cruel oppression under Moslem rulership which included both bribing and forcing Hindus to convert. Nor need Hindus forget three hundred years of cruel Christian oppression in which people were bribed and coerced into converting.
What Is an “Aryan”?–A Hindu View
Arya comes from the root word ri, which means “to rise upward.” A legitimate translation is: “one who strives upward.” So important was arya in the vocabulary of the ancient Indian sages that India itself was known as Aryavarta, the Land of the Aryas.
More Wisdom of Sri Gajanana Maharaj of Nashik
The following teachings of Gajanana Maharaj of Nashik are very important, especially the first about the effect of Soham sadhana on the mind.
Podcast: The Hidden Status of Master Yogis, Part 2
In this podcast Abbot George continues his discussion concerning how Lucifer could stand to be in the presence of Jesus, and how the status of master yogis is often hidden. He begins by giving his own experiences with spiritual figures in India, and continues with what he had heard of others.
Podcast: The Hidden Status of Master Yogis, Part 1
Recently our friend Jonathan Mahoney asked Abbot George Burke how Lucifer could tempt Jesus if evil spirits cannot stand high spiritual vibrations. In this first of two podcasts Abbot George answers this question, showing how the status of master yogis is often hidden, giving examples from the lives of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, Ananadamayi Ma and others.
Why a Yogi Is Wary of Small Desires
We may not even realize the potential of an affinity or even a very slight, dispassionate liking. But it can grow into a very real problem. Liking or enjoying something is not harmful if it makes no attachment begin. But the mind has its ways of turning things around without us even knowing. Therefore the sadhaka must always be alert and vigilant.