The Amazing Story of the Miracle of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem (updated 2023)
Tomorrow is Easter (Pascha) by the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church calendar (Sunday, April 24th). By the same calendar, on the day before, Holy Saturday, a miracle has occurred every year in Jerusalem for centuries. That is the miracle of the Holy Fire, which occurs at the tomb of Jesus in the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem.
Living Without Desire in the World Today
“Desire” is the usual translation of the Sanskrit word kama, which means desire, passion, or lust. Desire arises from the ego and is always “I want” with little regard for the principles of spiritual life or the ultimate consequences of fulfilling such desire.
New Collection About Brahmacharya Now Available
The Benefits of Brahmacharya: A Collection of Writings About the Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Benefits of Continence is now available as an ebook (on sale for 99¢) and as a paperback, on Amazon and other online bookstores.
“The Inspired Wisdom of Lalla Yogeshwari” Now Available in Paperback and Ebook
We are happy to announce that “The Inspired Wisdom of Lalla Yogeshwari: A Commentary on the Mystical Poetry of the Great Yogini of Kashmir” by Swami Nirmalananda (Abbot George Burke) is now available on Amazon.
How a Vegetarian Diet Affects Your Yoga Practice
You cannot lessen the effect of yoga, but you can certainly lessen or even prevent your responsiveness to it and the effect it will have on you. Therefore you should understand responsiveness to yoga practice and the Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet.
The Rare Quality of Integrity
“The man who has freed himself of stains and has found peace of mind in an upright life, possessing self-restraint and integrity, he is indeed worthy of the dyed robe” –Buddha