January Satsang Sign-Up • New Soham Talks
Register for the January Online Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda, to be held at 12 noon, Saturday, January 11th. Click here to get the link.
The Unholy Trinity of Yoga: Raga, Dwesha, and Moha
In his teachings Buddha frequently listed the Unholy Trinity: Raga, Dwesha, and Moha. In yoga philosophy also these are detailed at length. Find out more here about why.
Bringing Forth Our Eternal Nature
A lot of time is wasted “cultivating virtues” and pursuing yogic “attainments.” As Sri Ma Anandamayi often pointed out, getting implies losing. So any artificial progress we may make will evaporate in time. What is necessary is that we learn to bring forth, to reveal, our eternal nature.
December Satsang Signup | Stories of Anandamayi Ma
The December Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) will be on Saturday, December 7th, and 12 Noon, EST.
Remembering Our Destiny
We all come into this world with a destiny that is known to us on the subconscious level, and which often trickles up on the conscious level. This destiny is what the Bhagavad Gita calls swadharma.
New Gita Talks Website
In order to create a more focused environment for watching the Gita Talks videos and studying the Gita, we have created a distraction-free dedicated website for the talks, appropriately called Gita Talks. Find out more here.