Home » Original Christianity » The Odes of Solomon for Awakening » The Odes of Solomon: 41

The Odes of Solomon: 41

Virgin OransA continuation of the Commentary on the Odes of Solomon for Awakening.

Let all the Lord’s infants praise him, and let them receive the truth of his faith.
And his children shall be acknowledged by him; therefore let us sing in his love.
We live in the Lord by his grace, and life we receive in his Messiah.
For a great day has shined upon us and wondrous is he who hath given us of his glory.
Let us therefore all of us unite together in the Name of the Lord, and let us honor him with its goodness.
And our faces will shine in his light, and our hearts will meditate in his love, by night and by day.
Let us exult with the exultation of the Lord.
All those that see me will be astonished, for from another race am I.
For the Father of Truth remembered me, he who possessed me from the beginning.
For his riches gave birth to me, and the thought of his heart.
And his Word is with us in all our way, the Savior who makes alive and does not reject our souls.
The Man who humbled himself, and was exalted by his own righteousness.
The Son of the Most High appeared, in the perfection of his Father.
And light dawned from the Word, that was of old in him.
The Messiah in truth is one; and he was known before the foundations of the world, that he might enliven souls for ever by the truth of his Name:
A new song to the Lord from them that love him. Alleluia.

Let all the Lord’s infants praise him, and let them receive the truth of his faith.

Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). “Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein” (Mark 10:15). “Jesus said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes” (Matthew 11:25). “Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?” (Matthew 21:16).

We must become renewed and truly new-born. In Taoism a great deal is said about the “divine embryo” that is “conceived” within those who awaken and begin the search for enlightenment. This is the kind of “infancy” the odist is speaking about. For only such as they can perceive and receive “the truth of his faith.”

And his children shall be acknowledged by him; therefore let us sing in his love.

“I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee” (Psalms 2:7). God acknowledges us by lifting us into higher consciousness for which we have prepared ourselves, otherwise it is impossible. Being in God who is love (I John 4:8), our song can only be in and about his love.

We live in the Lord by his grace and life we receive in his Messiah.

God the Father transcends all relative existence. But through the Christ, the Only-Begotten of the Father who is known in India as Ishwara we live in the grace and life of God. In the Odes “Messiah” means either Jesus who was a Christ or Ishwara who is the Christ. The confusion of Jesus with Christ (Ishwara) is the fundamental reason that exoteric Christianity has developed into such a destructive mess. Ishwara-Christ is a Person, though beyond anything like personality, and is absolutely personal. Every single atom of creation and every single sentient being has his total attention. Grace, a manifestation of love, is the sole motive of his interaction with us. And he communicates with us through that love and leads us to the Father, enabling us to evolve beyond relative existence and re-enter the Bosom of the Father, our eternal home.

For a great day has shined upon us and wondrous is he Who hath given us of his glory.

The new day of new life dawns when the individual spirit has become developed enough to perceive the divine glory as it manifests even in this world. The glory of God is the living presence of God, which is why in the ancient hymn known as the Gloria even the first Christians sang: “We give thanks to thee for thy great glory” of which we are actually a part, for we are a part of God.

Let us therefore all of us unite together in the Name of the Lord, and let us honor him with its goodness.

In both the Old and New Testaments “name” means actual name, but also reputation, fame and remembrance (of). It also implies knowledge of the one named. Strong’s Concordance says: “The name is used for everything which the name covers, everything the thought or feeling of which is aroused in the mind by mentioning, hearing, remembering, the name, i.e. for one’s rank, authority, interests, pleasure, command, excellences, deeds etc..” So all these aspects should be kept in mind.

And our faces will shine in his light, and our hearts will meditate in his love, by night and by day. Let us exult with the exultation of the Lord.

The yogis of India, among whom Jesus was numbered in the Nath Yogi Order, say that God is bliss (ananda), and we are part of that bliss, destined to be blissful with the bliss of God (Brahmananda).

All those that see me will be astonished, for from another race am I.

From earliest time the expression “Christian race” was common within Eastern Christianity, for: “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God” (II Corinthians 5:17-18). Those who see the true sons of God are aware that they are of another species altogether. I have seen this many times in India and America, in various religions. I was privileged to meet with two canonized Eastern Orthodox saints: Saint John Maximovitch of San Francisco and Saint Philaret of New York. my beloved friend Archbishop Seraphim of Chicago was also supernatural, as was Father Arkadius Skepuro, the rector of Archbishop Seraphim’s cathedral. They certainly astonished and awed me.

For the Father of Truth remembered me, he who possessed me from the beginning.

We are eternal spirits within the Supreme Spirit, co-eternal with God. His awareness is always with us, guiding us to perfection within his perfection.

For his riches gave birth to me, and the thought of his heart.

The very bounteous Being of God is our origin, and his intention for us is our theosis, our deification, by means of which we shall participate consciously in the riches–the omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience–of God.

And his Word is with us in all our way, the Savior Who makes alive and does not reject our souls.

Ishwara-Christ is the power of evolution that has been with us ever since we left the transcendent and entered into relative existence. “In him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Therefore, as Patanjali says: “He is Guru even of the Ancients” (Yoga Sutras 1:26) and of us. God is beyond such petty reactions as being pleased or displeased with us. “The Omnipresent takes note of neither demerit nor merit” (Bhagavad Gita 5:15). God is our light. As the Psalmist sang to him: “In thy light shall we see light” (Psalms 36:9). Until that light dawns for us we dream the fever-dream of ignorance and wrongdoing. But God does not dream the ignorance which is a cornerstone of such delusions as everlasting hell and damnation. God cannot reject a single person because that would be rejecting himself. Knowing himself, God knows us and sees the perfection that each one will eventually maintain, that “one day all his sons shall reach the feet of the Father, however far they stray,” as an esoteric Creed says. For they shall reach the feet of the Father through Christ the Son. All of this can be said to a degree regarding any Son of God, including Jesus.

The Man who humbled himself, and was exalted by his own righteousness.

Both Christ-God and the man-Christs humble themselves yet are exalted by the manifestation of their own divinity.

The Son of the Most High appeared, in the perfection of his Father.

Christ and the Christs appear to humanity as saviors and perfect reflections of the Absolute, the Father. Ishwara and the sons of God can say with total truth: “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father” (John 14:9).

And light dawned from the Word, that was of old in him.

Christ is the Word of the Father, the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2), “the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world” (John 1:9). And so are those who have become one with him, who were “with the Father, and [were] manifested unto us” (I John 1:2).

The Messiah in truth is one; and he was known before the foundations of the world, that he might enliven souls for ever by the truth of his Name: A new song to the Lord from them that love him.

This is about Ishwara-Christ who projected all the worlds and drew the spirits into their evolutionary orbit and set them on the path to union with the Father as well as himself. This he did through his true name which is also the praise of those awakened souls who seek to return to the Father, the new song by which they return from perpetual birth unto the Unborn and themselves become unborn.

Read the next article in The Odes of Solomon for Awakening: The Odes of Solomon: 42

The Odes of Solomon for Awakening links:

Notes on the Odes of Solomon by the translator

The text of the Odes of Solomon

The Odes of Solomon for Awakening: