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Light of the Spirit BLOG

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Wisdom Quote of the Day

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Advice to a Seeker–Wisdom of Sri Gajanana Maharaj of Nashik

Today we will begin occasional postings from Atmaprabha (see the bottom of this article), containing the wisdom of the modern saint of Nashik, India, Sri Gajanana Maharaj. Importance of spiritual visions and experiences A few days ago, a gentleman from Poona came to see me. While talking on various topics, he incidentally said: “Maharaj, some years ago a Santa Parishada

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Does Hell Exist, and Why?

Q: Does hell exist? If so, why, and what is it like? In Sanskrit the word for hell is naraka, which means “pertaining to human beings.” That is telling us something, isn’t it? But since it is the Christians who are most fond of talking about hell and annoying us “heathen” with it, let us take a look at their

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The Many Advantages of Vegetarianism

You can indeed reap a lot of benefits by being a vegetarian and people have become more aware of the health benefits of being a vegetarian. Animal rights issues is only one of the reasons why people decide to go on a vegetarian diet. People are beginning to care more about the environment. However, the main reason why people go on vegetarian diet is because of health benefits.

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“Perspectives on Yoga: Living the Yoga Life” Now Available

Available as a paperback or ebook at Amazon and other online bookstores. (The ebook is on sale for only 99¢ this month!) “Dive deep; otherwise you cannot get the gems at the bottom of the ocean. You cannot pick up the gems if you only float on the surface.” —Sri Ramakrishna Many people come to the joyous and liberating discovery of

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The Process of Reincarnation

What do the ancient scriptures of India say about the process of reincarnation? The following verses from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad alone in all the upanishads describe to some degree the process of reincarnation. Dreaming and waking “Yajnavalkya said: ‘The Self, having in dreams enjoyed the pleasures of sense, gone hither and thither, experienced good and evil, hastens back to the

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The Phoenix: Symbol of Reincarnation

The Authentic Christian View on Reincarnation

Q: You seem to accept that the Hindu/Buddhist concept of reincarnation is compatible with Christianity. How is this, and how is it that the Chritian churches are apparently ignorant of this dramatic data? A: Reincarnation is not an exclusively Hindu-Buddhist teaching, but has from the beginning been an integral part of Orthodox Judaism. Because this fact would imply that Christ

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Featured Articles

Yogis Who Saw Jesus

The day our Original Christianity and Original Yoga website was launched we received an irate communication from one of those Western “Hindus” that believe they are more truly Hindu if they hate other religions–especially Christianity–and deny that Jesus ever existed. Here is our answer:
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The Many Advantages of Vegetarianism

You can indeed reap a lot of benefits by being a vegetarian and people have become more aware of the health benefits of being a vegetarian. Animal rights issues is only one of the reasons why people decide to go on a vegetarian diet. People are beginning to care more about the environment. However, the main reason why people go on vegetarian diet is because of health benefits.
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Seeing the One in All

In response to our recent blog posting about the reality of Jesus in the experience of India’s great yogis, we received a most heartening letter from India. I want to share parts of it with you and my reflections on it for I feel it presents the most authentic perspective on these matters.

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7 Steps to Misuse Your Power of Thought

Thought is power–magnetic power, particularly. That is, thought can draw or repel whatever is thought about, depending upon the polarity of the individual mind. Many times we see that people bring to themselves the things they continually think about, but we also see that thinking about something can repel it from the person.

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