January Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda at 12 noon Saturday MST, January 11th.
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Four Kinds of Men Who Seek God: Which Are You?

“Among benevolent men, four kinds worship Me: the distressed, those who desire wealth, those who desire knowledge, and the man of wisdom” (Bhagavad Gita 7:16).

4 types of men who seek GodNow a great deal of people think they are religious, but Krishna is presenting us with four broad categories of those who can be said to genuinely be seeking God. All others are only seeking their egos in some form and need not be seriously considered, such as those who are only cultivating the approval of others (or themselves) or who want to make a positive impression to cover their intentional negativity. We can look at each of the “real four” in turn.

1. The distressed

Artas means those who are intensely troubled–bereft, afflicted, distressed, or suffering. Wisely they seek for relief in God, rather than try to distract themselves or deny their problems. Nor do they fool themselves with the “answers” and “good things” of the deluded world.

2. Those who desire wealth

Artharthi are those who seek attainment and welfare. They do fool themselves with the “answers” and “good things” of the deluded world. 

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Are You on the Path to God

“In whatever way men approach Me, I reward them. Men everywhere follow My path” (Bhagavad 4:11).

Path to GodFor us raised in the “light that is darkness” of Western religion, every verse of the Gita is a revelation of stunning proportions. Certainly this is one of the most revelatory of them all–it opens vistas that free and expand the heart as we never dreamed possible. Let us look at them and rejoice in them. For the truth of the Gita is not a dose of medicine or a contract of obligation; it is the key that unlocks our shackles, the light that dispels darkness and reveals the wonders of The Way Things Are.

  • In whatever way men approach Me, I reward them.

Bhajami basically means “I reward,” but it can legitimately be translated “I share with” and “I love.” In other words, however we may approach God, He will respond and fulfill our spiritual needs, loving us as His own being. It is all a matter of the disposition of our inmost mind and heart. 

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The Key to Success in Yoga

Success is one of the gods of the modern world–but only material success. However, Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita is interested in success of spirit, and we should be, too. So he begins this seventh chapter of the Gita, saying: “With mind absorbed in Me, practicing … Continue reading