Cultivation and Attention in Spiritual Life
Attention cannot be produced immediately, it requires constant and vigilant cultivation, meditation being the prime implement.
Attention cannot be produced immediately, it requires constant and vigilant cultivation, meditation being the prime implement.
Two Dhammapada verses in relation to both good and bad: “He suffers and is tormented to see his own depraved behavior.…He is glad and rejoices to see his own good deeds.” Discover their practical meaning.
The problem with the thoughtless man is that he is completely heedless of the spiritual life. Find out how to correst this.
In his teachings Buddha frequently listed the Unholy Trinity: Raga, Dwesha, and Moha. In yoga philosophy also these are detailed at length. Find out more here about why.
Buddha says that the final component of the Holy Life is a mind “not clinging to anything in this world or the next.” Discover the others here.
Buddha lets us know quite clearly that the Holy Life is what matters, and that is a matter of living–that is, doing.