The March Online Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda (Abbot George Burke) will be held on Saturday, March 1st, at 12 noon EST.
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Podcast and Video of Q&A Session

We have now posted all of our past satsangs on our Youtube Channel ( where you can view both full satsangs and excepts, as well as other spiritual videos (we now have 96 videos!)

The World’s Eternal Religion: A New Addition to our E-Library

We continue to add to our E-Library of free PDF downloads. In addition to adding our recently published book Sanatana Dharma: The Eternal Religion, Swami Nirmalananda has also edited for modern readers another, more in-depth book on Sanatana Dharma called The World’s Eternal Religion, which we have also made available as a free download in our E-Library.

Podcast: What Happens to the Soul After Death?

The afterlife of any individual depends on the life of that individual. Each life is unique, and what happens afterwards depends on how a person lived that life, and the lives before. Learn how our karma (our actions) will determine where we go after death, and more in this podcast and video.