Our Changeless Self
We are encased in five bodies: annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, jnanamaya, and anandamaya koshas–coverings… The idea is that no matter what our consciousness is encased in or what kind of external force is “working” on us, our true self, our true nature, cannot be altered in any manner whatsoever.
The Mystical Wisdom of St. John the Beloved Disciple
This article explores the mystical insights of the beginning of the Gospel of Saint John: }In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” etc.
Durga Puja: The Worship of the Devi
In India, in the Fall of every year, usually October, much of the month is devoted to the worship of the Divine Feminine, Mahashakti, the Divine Creative Power. This worship is simply called Durga Puja, the Worship of the Goddess Durga, Mahamaya.
“Wrong” and “Right”: What is the Truth?
In the East the criterion is very different than in the West. If a thing spiritually harms the individual then it is wrong; if something spiritually benefits the individual then it is right.
Have You Been “Born Again”?
To be born again is to be born in the spirit, which is our higher Self. It takes place when we cease living or being aware only in our physical body, our external life in this material world, and begin to experience our true, higher life as the immortal, divine Self in the greater life and being of God.
False Experience and Wrong Intent
It is not just our mistaken perceptions that prevent our escape from bondage. Rather, they give rise to another ingredient in the stew of our samsaric misery: wrong intention. Our whole purpose is wrong. What should it be?