The March Online Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda (Abbot George Burke) will be held on Saturday, March 1st, at 12 noon EST.
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The Key to Success in Yoga

Success is one of the gods of the modern world–but only material success. However, Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita is interested in success of spirit, and we should be, too. So he begins this seventh chapter of the Gita, saying: “With mind absorbed in Me, practicing … Continue reading

The 5 “Do”s of Yoga: An In-Depth Guide

A Commentary on Sutra 32 of Book Two of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Yoga Sutras 2: 32. Purity [shaucha], contentment [santosha], austerity [tapas], self-study [swadhyaya] and self-surrender [ishwarapranidhana] constitute observances [niyama]. Shaucha: purity, cleanliness Shaucha means purity and cleanliness within the context of attaining … Continue reading

Is the End of the World Coming (Tomorrow)??

To someone who wrote about recent prophecies regarding the world and the destinies of nations. Personally, I never pay much attention to prophecy because I have seen that even very special people can get it wrong. Paramhansa Yogananda made prophecies that never came true. One … Continue reading

Are You Willing to Be Purified in Heart?

purified heartA Continuation of the Commentary on Theologia Germanica, by the Frankfurter.

And like as the sun may not hide its brightness, but must give light unto the earth (for heaven indeed draws its light and heat from another fountain), so also God, who is the highest Good, wills not to hide himself from any, wheresoever he findeth a devout soul, that is thoroughly purified from all creatures. (Theologia Germanica)

A lot of people like to accuse God of “hiding” from or “abandoning” them. Shame!!! As Saint Paul assures us: “If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself” (II Timothy 2:13). As Yogananda said once in a talk: “He never denies us; we deny him.” That is the truth.

It is God’s nature to draw us upward into His “throne,” into His perfect Being and Consciousness which He wills to share with us. That is why He told Abraham: “I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward” (Genesis 15:1). And if we do not violate our nature as eternally existing in God, we will cooperate in rising to Him.

As the Frankforter says, God is looking for “a devout soul, that is thoroughly purified from all creatures,” one who is completely free from desire and attachment for things of either earth or heaven, intent instead on complete liberation of spirit. Krishna describes such a one in this way:

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How Do the “I” and “mine” Arise?

Q: If pure consciousness is all and everything, how do the “I” and “mine” arise? This is the effect of Maya. But how can Maya affect that which is pure consciousness? It cannot, but it can affect that which is energy. Our body, feelings, emotions, … Continue reading