The Dark Night of the Soul: What It Means and How to Deal With It
The dark night of the soul is a very simple thing. It is a stage in the evolution of a highly evolved human being when he is at a pivotal point in his development. All that has gone before, although it was of value in earlier times, is to be recognized as limited and something to be laid aside in order to enter into a higher segment of the aspirant’s life.
Perspectives on Nicolas Notovitch’s “The Unknown Life of Christ”
What we have in “The Unknown Life of Christ” by Nicolas Notovitch is what a Tibetan monk–whose proficiency in French is unknown–told him they said.
Four Ways to Improve Meditation When the Mind Wanders
“Patiently, little by little, a man must free himself from all mental distractions, with the aid of the intelligent will.… No matter where the restless and the unquiet mind wanders, it must be drawn back and made to submit to the Atman only” (Bhagavad Gita 6:25-26).
A Question About Kriya Yoga in the Present Day
No one knows what Lahiri Mahasaya taught, since it is common knowledge in India that every one of his disciples taught a practice unique to them, each one apparently altering it according to their ideas.
Podcast: How to Pronounce the Soham Mantra in Meditation
Soham Yoga is based on the science of spiritual sound. A mantra is a series of sounds whose effect lies not in an assigned intellectual meaning, but in an inherent sound-power that can produce a specific effect physically or psychologically.
Three Questions About Effective Meditation
Never be discouraged. Billions of people are not taking to sadhana, but you have. So you are a very rare person, indeed. You would never have begun to try if you were not able to succeed.