Dreams: What Are They and How Should We Relate to Them?
Dreams are the subconscious mind talking to itself and usually reflect moments of the previous day that for some reason caught its attention. Authentic meditation affects the entire life of the yogi including his dreams.
Podcast: Spiritual Experience and Abilities–What Should the Beginning Yogi Know?–Part 2
The state of perfected beings like Buddha, Krishna, and Jesus is far greater than most people’s concept of God. Abbot George tells the story of Catholic stigmatist and visionary Therese Neumann’s response to Christian who were overwhelmed with Christ’s miracles, as an example of how … Continue reading
Podcast: What Should the Beginner Yogi Know About Spiritual Experience and Abilities?
In this four-part podcast Abbot George expounds on the attraction and many dangers of these kind of practices and the experiences they produce, and most importantly, presents the important questions the meditator needs to ask himself in assessing his spiritual practice and its effects.
A Question About Liberation from Creation Cycles
Beyond samsara is the Transcendent realm which is sometimes called Siddhaloka, the Siddha World. This is eternal. Those who attain ultimate moksha (for there is such a thing as liberation from rebirth in lower worlds but not from the higher worlds beneath Siddhaloka) dwell in that world.
The Dark Night of the Soul: What It Means and How to Deal With It
The dark night of the soul is a very simple thing. It is a stage in the evolution of a highly evolved human being when he is at a pivotal point in his development. All that has gone before, although it was of value in earlier times, is to be recognized as limited and something to be laid aside in order to enter into a higher segment of the aspirant’s life.
Perspectives on Nicolas Notovitch’s “The Unknown Life of Christ”
What we have in “The Unknown Life of Christ” by Nicolas Notovitch is what a Tibetan monk–whose proficiency in French is unknown–told him they said.