The Role of Sound in Meditation
Consciousness is the root of sound–is innate in sound. Sound, then, is the direct means to return our awareness to the inmost level of our being and put us into touch with consciousness itself.
God and The Self: What is True?
True awareness of oneself as a conscious entity is known as Asmita: I-ness; the sense of “I am;” “I exist;” the sense of individuality. And the true awareness of the Self is expressed as “Soham asmi.”
Learn to Discern the True and False in What is Taught as “Advaita”
To a friend who sent a great deal of quotations for my opinion/evaluation that are really mostly part of the Fools’ Parade of half-baked “Advaita” that sound good (often the more extreme and bombastic the better they sound) but are untrue.
Raga and Dwesha: Key Concepts in Yoga You Should Know
Two of the most important words in analyzing the dilemma of the human condition are Raga and Dwesha–the powerful duo that motivate virtually all human endeavor. Buddha, in common with all philosophers of India, continually refers to them, so an understanding of their import is essential to us.
Who Is the Worthy Person?
The following verse from the Dhammapada relates to any who claim to be spiritual and even teach others, not just monastics. “The man who wears the yellow-dyed robe but is not free from stains himself, without self-restraint and integrity, is unworthy of the robe. But … Continue reading
Purification and Forgiveness: What Is the Yoga View?
The word use in the Gospels translated “forgive” means literally to send something away, to lay something aside, and to leave something behind–to depart from it. It also means to cease or reverse something–to turn around. This all takes place in our consciousness. It has nothing to do with the dualistic religious idea of God forgiving us for our sins.