Podcast: What is Aparigraha?
Click here to listen to What is Aparigraha? (The Yoga Term for Non-Possessiveness) – Satsang With Swami Nirmalananda Giri
The Problem with Seeing Wrong
There are a lot of jokes about people who cannot see correctly–the Mr. Magoo films and television programs are a prime example. But in real life it is no joke, and in the more real life of the spirit it is even less so.
“Wandering With The Cherubim” Now Available on Amazon
We are happy to announce that Wandering With The Cherubim: A Commentary on the Mystical Verse of Angelus Silesius–The Cherubinic Wanderer by Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) has been published and is now available at Amazon, and the ebook is available for only 99¢ for a limited time.
Being Unashamed Before God
In paradise Adam and Eve “were both naked…and were not ashamed” (Genesis 2:5) because of their consciousness of spirit rather than of the body. But through their misdeeds “the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked” (Genesis 3:7). So we see that shame and fear come from moral transgression and its attendant guilt.
Believing in What You Can’t See
We must progress beyond intuition to direct experience of the fundamental realities of Existence. That is what Yoga is all about. Without a viable sadhana, these things cannot be known.
4 Practical Benefits of Meditation
Here are four scientific reports about the practical benefits of meditation, primarily how meditation affects the brain.