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Who is the Guru?

Dakshinamurti—god as guruQ: Reading the words [about God as guru] in Om Yoga a bell went off: the realization that the teacher we need to “introduce” us to God is Him who already is within us and he comes into our lives when we “see” this. Am I right?

You certainly are. Along the way we often do need teachers–but not enslavers such as those who would have us believe that without them or their meditation methods we cannot know God–or even worse, those that would addict us to their “love” and “blessing” and insist on “loyalty” to them.

God leaves us free at all times, and so does a true spiritual teacher such as Swami Sivananda and Paramhansa Nityananda. All true masters, including Patanjali, teach that God is the ultimate guru.

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