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Latest Blog Posts
How “May a Christian Believe in Reincarnation?” Came to Be
An Orthodox priest asked us to research reincarnation in early Christianity so he could prove that Christians could believe in reincarnation. Discover his amazing betrayal!
Four Transformations: The Liberating Power of Yoga
Stories of four yogis who were transformed from humanity to divinity by the persistent practice of meditation, living proof of the liberating power of yoga.
Podcast: The “Mind” of Anandamyi Ma
Swami Nirmalananda was under Anandamayi Ma’s guidance from 1963 until her leaving this world in 1982. He made many trips to India during this time and knew many of the people in her orbit. Here he shares some stories about her unique nature.
Now Available: Bio-Magnetic Therapy: Healing In Your Hands
We are happy to announce that we have re-published Swami Nirmalananda’s health classic “Bio-Magnetic Therapy: Healing in Your Hands”. It is now available as a paperback and ebook at Amazon and other online bookstores. This week the Kindle version is only 99¢.
Getting Implies Losing
We should live our lives intelligently and pursue that which is innately good–not merely advantageous. For the truly good does not lead to evil, but only to and increase of good. Why? Because good is the characteristic of the Tao.
The Spiritual Busybodies Who Invade a Spiritual Institution
It is useless to be a spiritual busybody, a good preacher, teacher, author and debater when there is no inner realization. Learn the traits of spiritual busybodies here.
Podcast: What is Aparigraha?
Click here to listen to What is Aparigraha? (The Yoga Term for Non-Possessiveness) – Satsang With Swami Nirmalananda Giri
Featured Articles
Yogis Who Saw Jesus
The Many Advantages of Vegetarianism
Seeing the One in All
In response to our recent blog posting about the reality of Jesus in the experience of India’s great yogis, we received a most heartening letter from India. I want to share parts of it with you and my reflections on it for I feel it presents the most authentic perspective on these matters.