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Wisdom Quote of the Day
Latest Blog Posts
Signup for the March Online Satsang | Youtube Spiritual Shorts
The March Online Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda (Abbot George Burke) will be held on Saturday, March 1st, at 12 noon EST.
Our Outer Life as a Reflection of Our Inner Life
Two Dhammapada verses in relation to both good and bad: “He suffers and is tormented to see his own depraved behavior.…He is glad and rejoices to see his own good deeds.” Discover their practical meaning.
The Safe Path of Yoga
Even to try the path of yoga for a while and then abandon it, or to try it and fail, or to follow it and die before making any significant progress–all these will result in tremendous benefit. Find out more.
How “May a Christian Believe in Reincarnation?” Came to Be
An Orthodox priest asked us to research reincarnation in early Christianity so he could prove that Christians could believe in reincarnation. Discover his amazing betrayal!
Gita Talks News Update
The Online Gita Talks by Swami Nirmalananda which we have been posting on Youtube for the last half-year continue to grow. We have now posted 50 talks.
New Book Available: Light on the Path For Awakening
We have just published Swami Nirmalananda’s newest book, Light on the Path For Awakening: A Commentary on Mabel Collins’ Spiritual Classic. It is now available in paperback at and the ebook is on sale for only 99¢ for a limited time in our new book release sale.
The Wrong Way to Be Thoughtless
The problem with the thoughtless man is that he is completely heedless of the spiritual life. Find out how to correst this.
Featured Articles
Yogis Who Saw Jesus
The Many Advantages of Vegetarianism
Seeing the One in All
In response to our recent blog posting about the reality of Jesus in the experience of India’s great yogis, we received a most heartening letter from India. I want to share parts of it with you and my reflections on it for I feel it presents the most authentic perspective on these matters.