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Discover the Unknown Lives of Jesus and Mary…and More

unknown lives of Jesus and Mary

This month we have added several new features to which we would like to now share with you. The first is a new online book The Unknown Lives of Jesus and Mary, a commentary by Abbot George Burke on ancient non-biblical texts of the lives of Jesus and the Virgin Mary. Here is part of the Introduction, followed by links to the various chapters.

Unknown Histories

There are historical records of the lives of Jesus Christ and His Mother Mary that have been accepted and used by the Eastern Christian Church from Apostolic times and by the Western Church until the last few centuries. They were not included in the Holy Scriptures since it could not be established beyond doubt that they were written by one of the Twelve Apostles, for that was the criterion for the inclusion of books in the Bible.

The first Christians did not at all consider the books which now make up the New Testament to be specially inspired in contrast to the books that were not included. Many books, such as those of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, a disciple of the Apostle John, were read in the churches as being of equal authority. Anything written by a saint today is considered by Eastern Christians to be virtually, though not officially, of the same value as the books of the Bible. But when a fundamental collection of authoritative Christian writings was to be made, it was decided that only those written by the Twelve should be included. However, the spiritual authority of other books was in no way lessened by this decision.

It is true, however, that the four Gospels of the New Testament are looked upon as having a unique value. This is because these four books are not mere history, but symbolic presentations of the passage from humanity to divinity, from son of man to Son of God. In the main the Gospels are historically true, but the choice and arrangement of incidents and teachings have an esoteric purpose, and the deeper meaning is to be sought beneath the surface appearance of things. The other gospels not included in the New Testament are simple history without this higher symbolic dimension. Yet they do, as we shall see, contain a great deal of esoteric material.

Here is what is included in The Unknown Lives of Jesus and Mary:


St. George Monastery in PalestineMonks Pilgrimage

Another new feature is our new Monks Pilgrimage section, with stories, photos and videos of our pilgrimages to the sacred places in the Holy Land and in India.

Pilgrimage can be a boost to a person’s spiritual life. It can reinforce and bring to a higher dimension knowledge gained from study of the lives and teachings of great spiritual figures. Plus it can simply be enjoyable.

As a preview, here is a short, amusing video called India Smiles. In filming our experiences in India we discovered that bringing out a camera can reveal the potential actor in everyone. Filmed throughout India. Just a little over a minute and a half long.


The Christ of India book coverOne last note: The Christ of India in Kindle format is available at Thanks to all of you who have read and proofed the book in preparation for publication, and to those who posted reviews once it was available. Those who still wish to review the book can do so at the book’s Amazon page here.

Get the Christ of India now!

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