- 47. On attaining the utmost purity of the Nirvichara stage (of Samadhi) there is the dawning of the spiritual light [adhyatma prasadah].
- 48. There, the consciousness [prajna] is Truth-and Right-bearing [ritambhara].
“The knowledge which appears in that clearness of the mind in samadhi has the special name of Truth-bearing in the literal sense that it brings truth alone, and there is no trace of erroneous knowledge in it. So it is said: ‘By scriptural authority, by inference, and by enthusiasm for meditation practice–in thee three ways perfecting his knowledge, he attains the highest yoga.’”Shankara says that the consciousness spoken of in this sutra is born from viveka (discrimination between reality and unreality). Patanjali’s standards must be applied to us first of all, but also to any who claim to have realization of the Truth (Sat). Previously: What Happens to the Yogi in Samadhi? Next: The Final Stages of Samadhi
Coming next week
Next week we will initiate Podcasts at OCOY.org. We will begin with a series of three podcasts by Abbot George Burke about his memories of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, founder of the Divine Life Society and Sivanandashram. Stay tuned!
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