Updated Book Available: Light of Soham–The Life and Teachings of Sri Gajanana Maharaj of Nashik
We are happy to announce we have published an updated, much expanded version of Light of Soham: The Life and Teachings of Sri Gajanana Maharaj of Nashik, which is now available as a paperback and as an ebook. At the end of this post we … Continue reading
Podcast: About Spiritual Experience and Abilities–What Should the Beginner Yogi Know?–Part 4
In this 4th podcast on Spiritual Experiences and Abilities, Abbot George delineates the very real and very extreme dangers of imbalancing experiences that fake yoga can produce, contrasting this with his observation of the cardinal qualities of real yogis he met.
Podcast: What Should the Beginner Yogi Know About Spiritual Experience and Abilities?–Part 3
“Have I learned anything? Has this spiritual experience changed my awareness, my meditation?” Abbot George contrasts the effect of real spiritual experience with examples of people who were deluded by visions and dreams.
Dreams: What Are They and How Should We Relate to Them?
Dreams are the subconscious mind talking to itself and usually reflect moments of the previous day that for some reason caught its attention. Authentic meditation affects the entire life of the yogi including his dreams.
Podcast: Spiritual Experience and Abilities–What Should the Beginning Yogi Know?–Part 2
The state of perfected beings like Buddha, Krishna, and Jesus is far greater than most people’s concept of God. Abbot George tells the story of Catholic stigmatist and visionary Therese Neumann’s response to Christian who were overwhelmed with Christ’s miracles, as an example of how … Continue reading
Podcast: What Should the Beginner Yogi Know About Spiritual Experience and Abilities?
In this four-part podcast Abbot George expounds on the attraction and many dangers of these kind of practices and the experiences they produce, and most importantly, presents the important questions the meditator needs to ask himself in assessing his spiritual practice and its effects.