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Home - Podcast: About Spiritual Experience and Abilities–What Should the Beginner Yogi Know?–Part 4

Podcast: About Spiritual Experience and Abilities–What Should the Beginner Yogi Know?–Part 4

Wrong Way Sign

“Am I more sensible, or less sensible, as a result of this practice and this experience?”

In this 4th podcast on Spiritual Experiences and Abilities, Abbot George delineates the very real and very extreme dangers of imbalancing experiences that fake yoga can produce, contrasting this with his observation of the cardinal qualities of real yogis he met.

If you do not see the player above, listen to Part 4 of What the Beginner Yogi Know About Spiritual Experiences and Abilities. This podcast is about 16 minutes long.

Listen to the earlier parts of this podcast: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

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