Believing in What You Can’t See
We must progress beyond intuition to direct experience of the fundamental realities of Existence. That is what Yoga is all about. Without a viable sadhana, these things cannot be known.
Do the Dead “Die”?
In India the body is wrapped in bright-colored cloth and borne through the streets as the bearers chant over and over: “Rama Nama satya hai”–the Name of God alone is real–or a similar affirmation that spirit is real and death is an illusion.
Rudraksha Beads: A Yogi’s Perspective
It has long been considered beneficial to the yogi’s general state of health and awareness is the wearing of a rudraksha mala–a garland-string of one hundred and eight rudraksha beads, each of which is separated by a knot on the thread on which they are strung.
The Seven Lokas of Evolutionary Creation
There are seven worlds (lokas) or main divisions of relative existence. These Seven Lokas or Seven Worlds are the seven rungs of the evolutionary ladder. They correspond to the seven levels of consciousness that determine which of the worlds the individual spirit incarnates in.
Living Without Desire in the World Today
“Desire” is the usual translation of the Sanskrit word kama, which means desire, passion, or lust. Desire arises from the ego and is always “I want” with little regard for the principles of spiritual life or the ultimate consequences of fulfilling such desire.
How a Vegetarian Diet Affects Your Yoga Practice
You cannot lessen the effect of yoga, but you can certainly lessen or even prevent your responsiveness to it and the effect it will have on you. Therefore you should understand responsiveness to yoga practice and the Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet.