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How to Develop Sattwa Guna

Q: Can you please guide me as to how to increase the predominance of sattwa guna so as to move steadily in the path of devotion while continence is being practiced? Two things are necessary to help the sadhaka increase in sattwa, and both are … Continue reading

Is Exoteric Religion Necessary?

Q: Is an exoteric religious tradition necessary? Though it may not be easy to see how or why, everything in this world is necessary and has a purpose. There are two classes of human beings: those that are mostly aware of external existence and therefore … Continue reading

How and Why to Purify the Memory

Q: What are the indications of purification of memory in the context of the Nerve of Memory? In the Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita (English version: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna) we find the most authoritative teaching about both the nerve (nadi) and its indications. On … Continue reading

How to Expand Your Glory

A Continuation of the Commentary on Buddha’s Practical Wisdom found in the Dhammapada Expanding Glory “When a man is resolute and recollected, pure of deed and persevering, when he is attentive and self-controlled and lives according to the Teaching, his reputation is bound to grow” … Continue reading