Our Origin as Children of Light
An excerpt from “The Gospel of Thomas for Awakening” (now available at Amazon in print and Kindle formats) Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day (I Thessalonians 5:5). Jesus said, If they say to you, “Where did you come … Continue reading
Introducing the Yoga Life: Laying the Foundations
This podcast [see below for player] is the beginning of a series on how to lead the Yoga Life. Today Abbot George discusses what is lacking in the yoga practice of many, and why people fail or do not persevere in the path of yoga. … Continue reading
Podcast: Why We Meditate and the Obstacles We Overcome
Why do we meditate? In this podcast Abbot George discusses the real reason to meditate as contrasted with wrong reasons. Then continuing with Patanjali’s instructions from the Yoga Sutras, he explains the obstacles to spiritual life and their effects. The obstacles Patanjali lists are as … Continue reading
The Spiritual Value of Vegetarianism
The major thing to keep in mind when considering the subject of vegetarianism is its relevancy in relation to our explorations of consciousness. We need only ask: Does it facilitate my spiritual growth–the development and expansion of my consciousness? The answer is Yes. “One acts … Continue reading
Yoga, God, and Gurus: an Important Perspective
The last podcast about God was philosophical, so in this podcast Abbot George will go into the practical side. It is the goal of every sentient being to evolve and attain union with God. Evolution takes place naturally as we move up the ladder from … Continue reading
Kriya Yoga According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Sutra 1 of Book Two of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Sutra 1. Austerity [tapas], self-study [swadhyaya] and resignation to Ishwara [Ishwarapranidhana] constitute Kriya Yoga. First let us define Kriya Yoga as Patanjali means it. Because many have read Yogananda’s autobiography they assume Patanjali means the … Continue reading