How Can You Know God?
A Continuation of the Commentary on Theologia Germanica, by the Frankfurter. The things which are in part can be apprehended, known, and expressed; but the Perfect cannot be apprehended, known, or expressed by any creature as creature. The ancient sages of India knew by direct … Continue reading
Raihana Tyabji, the Moslem Saint Who Worshiped Krishna | Podcast
Click here to listen to Raihana Tyabji, the Moslem Saint Who Worshiped Krishna if you do not see the player above. The podcast length is 25:48 minutes. One afternoon in India in a conversation my friend Rani Bhan told me about Raihana Tyabji, a Moslem saint, an … Continue reading
How Do We Deal with the Misery-Producing Kleshas?
Sutras 10 & 11 of Book Two of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 10. These, the subtle ones, can be reduced by resolving them backward into their origin. 11. Their active modifications are to be suppressed by meditation. In meditation we plumb the depths of the … Continue reading
More on the Misery-Producing Kleshas
Sutras 6 through 9 of Book Two of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Earlier we dealt with the root of the kleshas, Avidya. Now Patanjali continues with the other kleshas: 6. Asmita is the identity or blending together, as it were, of the power of consciousness … Continue reading
When That Which Is Perfect Is Come
The astonishing book known now as Theologia Germanica was originally called simply The Frankforter [Der Franckforter], the author being a priest and a member of the Teutonic Order living in Frankfurt, Germany in the later fourteenth century. And that is all we know about him. … Continue reading
How to Test the Value of Psychic Experiences
To someone who wrote describing many kinds of psychic experiences including astral travel and kundalini manifestations. So many kinds of experiences are possible that even the yogis of India have not listed and classified them as to their character and value. For the yogi there … Continue reading