Podcast: Swami Sivananda’s Humor (Updated 5-2022 with a Video Podcast)
Swami Sivananda’s joyful sense of humor are evident in this podcast. This includes the following incidents:
• Sivananda’s riddle and the over-serious student.
• The story of the rare color film photos of Swamiji.
• Sivananda’s omniscience regarding what was going on in Sivanandashram.
• And more!
What is Sin? – A Yoga Perspective
The Sanskrit word for sin is papam, which means harmful negativity. In the New Testament the word translated “sin” is amartano, which simply means to miss the mark, or to fall short of the ideal.
Podcast: The Real Yogananda – 8 Stories of Mischief and Mercy
There are a lot of stories that people have never heard, so here are some things that were told to me by direct disciples of Yogananda who were there when these incidents took place that you might find interesting.
Who Is God? The Yoga View
In the Yoga Sutras the word for God is Ishwara–the Lord, Ruler, Master, or Controller possessing the powers of omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience. Ishwara is the Supreme Power, Parameshwara. It is toward this Ishwara that our life is to be directed if we would attain … Continue reading
Reading the Akasha: Can We Know What is Right?
Q: If Levi could read the Akasha and made a wrong statement, how can we be sure that his other statements are correct? A: We can’t. We have to be like a wise ant and take the sugar and leave the sand. And that means we have to trust ourselves. Can we be sure of that?
Thieves and Robbers: False Indicators of Realization and Authority
The different experiences that can be mistaken for spiritual progress and even enlightenment can arise from all five of our bodies (koshas). And in each case they are the result of distortion and malfunction in those bodies produced by false yoga practices that delude the aspiring yogi.