Two Universal Principles That Affect Our Lives
The basic ingredient of any endeavor is right perspective, so in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna right away delineates two universal principles that must be kept in mind at all times, whether engaged in outer activity or inner meditation. “It is found that the unreal has … Continue reading
Why the Cow is Worshipped in India
It is understandable that cows are sometimes honored with the waving of lights, the placing of tilak, etc. The same thing has been done there for thousands of years to human beings of great merit. The worship of Gomata is the worship of God through the representative of his bountiful gift to us in the cow.
Praying to Krishna and Christ: A Yogi’s Viewpoint
Krishna was not a human being, nor was Jesus. They were avatars, which means they had transcended all the worlds and entered into total, conscious union with the Absolute: Brahman.
Yogis Who Saw Jesus
The day our Original Christianity and Original Yoga website was launched we received an irate communication from one of those Western “Hindus” that believe they are more truly Hindu if they hate other religions–especially Christianity–and deny that Jesus ever existed. Here is our answer:
Podcast: Diet and Consciousness: The Importance of a Pure Diet for the Yogi
In today’s podcast, Abbot George Burke talks about how diet affects consciousness, and the importance of a pure diet for the yogi.
Consciousness and Energy: A Reader’s Inquiry
Q: Gorakhnath describes God as a Oneness of Shiva and His Shakti. Do you agree with this Philosophy of a Father-Mother God?
Yes and No. For us in this relative existence, there appears to be a duality of Consciousness/Energy. But that is a misperception. There is only Consciousness.