“The Holy Life” as Defined by Buddha
Buddha says that the final component of the Holy Life is a mind “not clinging to anything in this world or the next.” Discover the others here.
Are We “Cow Counters” or “Partners in the Holy Life”?
Buddha lets us know quite clearly that the Holy Life is what matters, and that is a matter of living–that is, doing.
New Book Available: Hinduism The Universal Religion
We have published a new book, Hinduism The Universal Religion: A Serious Student’s Guide to Sanatana Dharma, which is now available on Amazon as a paperback and as an eBook. The ebook version is available for the introductory price of only 99¢ for a limited time. Find out more here.
Meditation as Training for Living
Meditation is not an end in itself, but rather the means to an end–to the daily living out of the illumined consciousness produced by meditation. We go into meditation so we can come out of meditation more conscious and better equipped to live our life.
October Satsang Signup, plus Gita Talks Selection
The October Online Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) will be on October 5th at 12 Noon, EST. You can sign up to attend at this page.
Psychological Yoga in the Bhagavad Gita
Buddhi yoga is psychologicals yoga, and is performed as an expression of divinity for the revelation of divinity, all other benefits, individual and communal being secondary–even insignificant.