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Is Yoga a Religion?

It is commonly said that Yoga is not a religion. But since religion is derived from the Latin word religere, which means “to bind back,” and yoga means “joining,” practically speaking yoga is the only religion. The many systems of dogmas and doctrines are by … Continue reading

Who Does the Tempter Master?

“The Tempter [Mara] masters the lazy and irresolute man who dwells on the attractive side of things, ungoverned in his senses, and unrestrained in his food, like the wind overcomes a rotten tree” (Dhammapada 7). There is a cosmic force of negativity that is the … Continue reading

The Mother’s Ever-Living Presence

  An outdoor Marian shrine is all that remains of a house that burned down during Hurricane Sandy in the Breezy Point borough of Queens, NY – about 50 houses were destroyed in this neighborhood by fire – photographed by Frank Franklin II

Maintaining Peace With Others

“Others may not understand that we must practice self-control, but quarreling dies away in those who understand this fact” (Dhammapada 6). What? Buddha is advocating repression? Horror! We all know how destructive repression is, don’t we? No, we do not. We only hope it is … Continue reading

What is “Spirit”?

We are gods within God, finite spirits within the Infinite Spirit. But what is spirit? Yoga tells us that spirit is consciousness. We are eternal consciousnesses, each of us individual and distinct. Yet we are more. Each of us takes our being from God as … Continue reading