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The Subconscious: What Meditators Need to Know

Subconscious and Meditation

Q: What is the subconscious? Some may call it the “Unconscious.”

The human being consists of many layers, but the three large divisions are the physical, astral and causal bodies or layers. The mind is also physical, astral and causal.

The physical brain is the seat and instrument of the conscious mind which includes the “upper” levels of the astral and causal minds. But since the human being is usually unaware of many of the levels of the astral and causal “brains” or minds, we call those levels “the subconscious.” In the subconscious are stored all the past life impressions (samskaras and vasanas) which greatly influence our personality and behavior, but reflexively, not consciously.

How does the subconscious help us? How does it burden us?

The subconscious is absolutely necessary for us to function, much less evolve. What really burdens us is our unawareness which confines us to acting instinctually when we should be acting rationally–intelligently and insightfully.

Sometimes it feels like a water buffalo smashing through the garden.

That is not its fault. What it disrupts is the result of our ignorance, the blindness of our consciousness.

Can we tame the subconscious? Need we do so?

What we need to do is bring into the light that which is presently in the dark because of the present limitations of our consciousness. To express it simply: we need to make conscious what is presently subconscious (unconscious).

We do this by delving into the depths of our minds and expanding our awareness of our total being through meditation. This is what Yoga is all about: becoming conscious. The yogi who applies himself does this quite naturally and virtually without effort.

Correct meditation practice

But of course, the practice must be effective, correct and complete.

It sounds too simple and too easy. Which is why those with tangled (they call it complex) minds:

  1. never find it;
  2. do not recognize it when they find it;
  3. do not believe it is what is is when they find it;
    and therefore:
  4. never really try it.

Further Reading about Meditation:

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