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Podcast: Swami Sivananda and Jesus (and More)

Click here to listen to Swami Sivananda and Jesus if you do not see the player above. The podcast length is 14:24 minutes.

Abbot George Burke“One of the most memorable experiences of my life was hearing Swami Sivananda sing every day in the evening satsang:

O my Jesus,
O my Jesus,
Lord Jesus,
Come, come to me!

O my Mary,
Virgin Mary,
Mother Mary,
Come, come to me!

Sivananda and Jesus: Sivananda with a cross“This was no token broadmindedness on Sivanandaji’s part. Every aspect of his being vibrated with his very real love and faith in Christ and his mother. Christmas was celebrated grandly every year in the ashram. Sivananda had written an entire book on life of Jesus which was available from the ashram press.”

In this podcast Abbot George shows from Swami Sivananda’s writings what great reverence he had for Jesus. Among other citations, Abbot George quotes from Sivananda’s book Lives of Saints:

“[Lord Jesus] disappeared at the ages of thirteen and reappeared in his thirty-first year. During this period, from his thirteenth to his thirty-first year, he came to India and practiced Yoga.…Jesus left Jerusalem and reached the land of Indus in the company of merchants. He visited Varanasi, Rajgriha and other places in India. He spent several years in Hindustan. Jesus lived like a Hindu or a Buddhist monk, a life of burning renunciation and dispassion. He assimilated the ideals, precepts and principles of Hinduism. Christianity is modified Hinduism only, which was suitable for those people who lived in the period of Christ. Really speaking, Jesus was a child of the soil of India only. That is the reason why there is so much of similarity between his teachings and the teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism. During [this period] he travelled in India where he got initiation from sages and seers.”

Much of this parallels Abbot George’s researches in The Christ of India, and Levi Dowling’s writings in The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.

Abbot George also recounts instances he witnessed of the great love and mercy of Swami Sivananda, where he showed himself to be dina bandhu, the friend of the lowly.

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