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Our Outer Life as a Reflection of Our Inner Life
Two Dhammapada verses in relation to both good and bad: “He suffers and is tormented to see his own depraved behavior.…He is glad and rejoices to see his own good deeds.” Discover their practical meaning.
Three Spiritual Questions
Q: Is the faith and destiny of us human beings completely due to God’s will without anything to do with our karma? In other words, is it predetermined because we have no control? Is it just like a drama, a human being only an actor, but God being the author of the scenario? In the universe, karma is the law of
Only Flora and Fauna?
Q: Suppose everyone in this planet will not take birth again because they have attained liberation, does that mean the planet will be empty of human beings but only be occupied by flora and fauna? Is this condition possible? Individual spirits (jivas) are coming into manifestation all the time in the most basic form and evolving upward in ever more
The True Wealth of India
Q: For nearly my whole life I have heard and read that the religion of India is what turned it from one of the wealthiest countries in the world into one of the poorest in the world. What do you say to this? A single word: Nonsense. Vivekananda, upon his return to India from the prosperous West, said that after
An Esoteric Christian Creed
We believe in God, the undivided Unity, embracing all in oneness. We believe in the Holy and all-glorious Trinity, Who pervades the whole universe, Who dwells also in the spirit of man. We believe in Jesus Christ, the Lord of love and wisdom, first among his brethren, Who leads us to the glory of the Father, who is himself the
God as the Guru
A follow-up to “Gurus: Yes or No?” Q: Can I follow the right path without a spiritual leader to initiate me and guide me? It is certainly necessary to have a guru, but everyone already has one: God Himself. Patanjali very clearly says about God (Ishwara): “He is guru even of the ancients” (Yoga Sutras 1:16). This indicates that at
Prayer and the Law of Karma
Q: Since there is a Law of cause and effect or the Law of Karma is it still necessary to pray and ask God for something like world peace, settle our financial problems, ask for health, etc.? If God fulfills or answers one’s prayer does not it means that God breaking the Law He himself has created? It is absolutely true
Featured Articles
Yogis Who Saw Jesus
The Many Advantages of Vegetarianism
Seeing the One in All
In response to our recent blog posting about the reality of Jesus in the experience of India’s great yogis, we received a most heartening letter from India. I want to share parts of it with you and my reflections on it for I feel it presents the most authentic perspective on these matters.