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7 Steps to Misuse Your Power of Thought
Many times we see that people bring to themselves the things they continually think about, but we also see that thinking about something can repel it from the person. Learn how to avoid these 7 mental traps.
Sanatana Dharma, Vedanta, and the Bible : Essential Differences
Q: Although I don’t have a problem understanding all the concepts of Vedanta, the minute I reflect upon the Christian Bible it seems to all confuse me. I find the teachings so different, although they must be the same. It is the Bible that is confused because it (the New Testament) has been edited to conform to the theology of
Individual Spiritual Evolution and Why We Should Respect It in Others
To a friend who had questions about right and wrong and my position on certain questions regarding the personal conduct of others. Although Original Christianity (Sanatana Dharma) has beliefs, is has no dogmas. That is, there is nothing a person must believe or think about something. Faith/belief is according to the evolutionary level and character of each person. That is
Stories of Oliver Black, Yogananda’s Highly Advanced Disciple
To a person who wanted me to share what I know about Yoganandaji’s highly advanced disciple, Yogacharya Oliver Black. In 1968 I was able to go to Detroit for an SRF Sunday service at the Art Institute conducted by Yogacharya Black, and the entire next day I spent with him at his home. He spoke of many interesting things, but
Why You Should Have a Dharmic Approach to Religion
Q: I have read much of your site and The Christ of India and am interested in the dharmic approach taken by the Saint Thomas school–most of which seems natural to me. While there is documentation on Hindu acceptance and worship of Christ, how can a follower of Christ respectfully and meaningfully engage with Hindu aspects, from specific helpers such
Evil Spirits and Satan: Where Do They Come From?
Q: Where do evil spirits come from? The Christian Bible acknowledges them–Legion, for example (Mark 5:9; Luke 8:30). It is important to understand that in all relative existence there are only the Supreme Spirit, God (Brahman), and the seemingly infinite number of individual spirits (jivas). The individual spirits live within God, which whom they are eternally one, yet distinct from
Untold Stories of Mahavatar Babaji of Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi”
To someone who wished I would write anything I might know about Mahavatar Babaji that is not in Autobiography of a Yogi. I will tell you what others told me in India about Babaji. Dr. Mukherji Within a week of my landing in India in 1962, I was staying at the Anandamayi Ashram in Ranchi, less than a mile from
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Yogis Who Saw Jesus
The Many Advantages of Vegetarianism
Seeing the One in All
In response to our recent blog posting about the reality of Jesus in the experience of India’s great yogis, we received a most heartening letter from India. I want to share parts of it with you and my reflections on it for I feel it presents the most authentic perspective on these matters.