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7 Steps to Misuse Your Power of Thought
Many times we see that people bring to themselves the things they continually think about, but we also see that thinking about something can repel it from the person. Learn how to avoid these 7 mental traps.
What Is the Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit?
Q: What exactly is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which cannot be forgiven? First we should look at the Bible references to the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit: “All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the
Falsehoods and Misunderstandings: an Unfortunate Phenomenon
To a friend who wrote concerned about derogatory things being spoken about some people who, being departed from this world, had no defence. Not only are falsehoods spread, but so are faults in understanding. I want to tell you about one I myself encountered. Before I went to see the great Master Shivananda, a very serious and good sadhaka, Brahmachari
Real Peace vs. Imitation Peace–Which Do You Prefer?
A Commentary on the Gospel of Thomas Jesus said, If two make peace with each other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, “Move Away,” and it will move away. (Gospel of Thomas 48) This actually has two meanings, one outer and one inner. Outer peace It is very easy for people to be friends when they
Aspects of Our Inner Trinity
Q: What is your perspective on the possible correspondences between the Holy Trinity and the human trinity of body, soul and spirit? Our eternal spirit which is one with the Father “is” the father in our trinity. The higher bodies which reflect the spirit correspond to the Son, and the lower bodies correspond to the Holy Spirit, the Energy of
Questions and Answers About Saint Thomas Christianity
Q: Only God IS. I AM THAT. I AM BRAHMAN. MY FATHER AND I ARE ONE. How do the teachings of Advaita, Veda, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana fit with St. Thomas Christianity? Western Christianity? Eastern Orthodoxy? Catholicism? The vital question is, how do those religious expressions fit with Sanatana Dharma? The degree of their agreement with Dharma is the degree
How to Learn More About Jesus and His Teachings
Q: What is the most authentic document of Jesus’ teaching? The Gospel of Thomas? Are there others you would point to? The Gospel of Thomas seems to be the most authentic. Certainly the four Gospels of the Bible contain his teachings, but mixed in with untrustworthy elements. Still, they should be read with the understanding that the sugar must be
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Yogis Who Saw Jesus
The Many Advantages of Vegetarianism
Seeing the One in All
In response to our recent blog posting about the reality of Jesus in the experience of India’s great yogis, we received a most heartening letter from India. I want to share parts of it with you and my reflections on it for I feel it presents the most authentic perspective on these matters.