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7 Steps to Misuse Your Power of Thought
Many times we see that people bring to themselves the things they continually think about, but we also see that thinking about something can repel it from the person. Learn how to avoid these 7 mental traps.
Friends: What Serious Spiritual Aspirants Need to Know
Q: What are friends? Is it good to have friends? Books can be written on the subject of friends and friendship, so I will confine myself to the perspective of a seeker for higher consciousness: a sadhaka. Not a religious or philosophical dilettante, but a committed yogi. A true and worthwhile friend is one whose company is both elevating and
Eclecticism in Religion: Is It Good?
Q: What is your opinion of those who preach the gospel of eclecticism? There are those who because of their past life involvement with various religions need to pick up the threads of those religions and follow them to some extent. One of my teachers at California State University, Los Angeles, had grown up in Hawaii attending a church that
Worship of God in Meditation or in Church: Which Is True?
Q: In meditation, I feel myself OF God; in church, in the sacraments, I feel a “surrender” to God. Both are beautiful and in my mind, they are compatible energies, one feeding the other. But, I would welcome your thoughts on this matter in the event I am missing something or perhaps “confusing” energies. Your experiences of meditation and sacramental
Why Meditation Can Be Unpleasant, and Why This Can Be a Good Thing
Drilling through the layers It is not uncommon for meditators to complain about negative traits arising in their mind which they believed were already eliminated. It should be understood that the meditator is like a geologist boring through strata laid down through millions, even billions, of incarnations. Let us say we have been greedy to an extreme degree in a
Paramatma, Prakriti and Jivatma: Three Concepts You Need to Understand to Pursue God-Knowledge
Q: I am wondering about the concept of Paramatma, Prakriti and jivatma: Why have a construct of Paramatma, Prakriti and atma/jivatma? Why not simply have Paramatma, without the need for any existence, any Universe, creatures or beings, given that Paramatma is eternal, unmanifest, not of Prakriti, and does not require Prakriti or jivatma to “be,” whilst the latter two require
Soham Yoga Now Available in Paperback and as an Ebook (and for Reading on Our Website)
We are happy to let you know that Abbot George’s latest book, Soham Yoga: the Yoga of the Self, is now available for purchase on Amazon and other online outlets. It is also available for reading on the web, each chapter a separate web page, and as a free downloadable PDF on our eLibrary page. We have revamped our Home Page and
Featured Articles
Yogis Who Saw Jesus
The Many Advantages of Vegetarianism
Seeing the One in All
In response to our recent blog posting about the reality of Jesus in the experience of India’s great yogis, we received a most heartening letter from India. I want to share parts of it with you and my reflections on it for I feel it presents the most authentic perspective on these matters.